Monday, April 27, 2009


So I was getting ready to take Rhegan and Austin to a birthday party at the park yesterday. I was getting dressed and quite naturally looking in the mirror - to make sure my baby flab wasn't hanging out TOO much. And here comes Rhegan into my room.
Rhegan: "Mommy, your getting FAT"
Me: ::dumbfounded at her remark:: "Fat??!!! You think i'm getting fat?"
Rhegan: "Yep, you Fat mommy"
So I procede to do the sob story of asking her why she said that. Which I shouldn't have done.
And she told me "Mommy you eat, and then you get fat. It's ok mommy"
She is so funny.
I used to be able to tell her "oh we'll go outside after we clean. OR We'll go do whatever AFTER we finish this or that. And then by the time "later" came - she would forget about doing whatever she wanted to do. NOT ANY MORE.
Saturday I told her we would go outside after we cleaned - while brother was napping. And after that little while had past...she said "mommy - but you promised we could go outside after we cleaned" gaahhhhhh. I wish she could stay little forever!!!!!!
She is also into asking me "mommy where's Austin" (when he is right there) And she thinks it is HILARIOUS for me to say "I don't know where Austin is Rhegan....I can't find him Anywhere"
And she will go on and on with it!!! And then say "he's right there mommy" cutecute.

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