Ok, so Rhegan is 2 yrs & 8 mths old.
I can remember just like it was yesterday living in Jacksonville Florida. Just finding out that I was pregnant. And boom - she is almost 3. Now that I look back, I was so Nieve when I was pregnant with her. I had NO idea how my life was about to change. Between moving from J'ville to a rental house, in with my parents, and then two weeks before she was born - into our very own house. It's so crazy how different each pregnancy can be. I craved Cheetos puffs with her. I was extremely sick at the beginning. And only a few times after that - that I can remember at night. I gained a total of 23 pounds with her. I never had any problems at all... and labor was not a problem. She was Due date August 14th. Was induced August 16th. (104 degrees) I went in EARLY that morning....and had her at 3:43 (7lbs 1oz - 19 1/2 inches) RHEGAN ELIZABETH ALLEN She was such a good baby. Never sick. But never fully slept through the night - she would always seem to wake up at least once.
I got pregnant with Baby#2 in April of 08. Nick was sooo excited to find out he was having a little boy!!! The whole time I was pregnant with him - I could never imagine having two!! And on top of that a little boy??!! I was so used to Rhegan I just couldn't imagine anything different.
I got pregnant with Baby#2 in April of 08. Nick was sooo excited to find out he was having a little boy!!! The whole time I was pregnant with him - I could never imagine having two!! And on top of that a little boy??!! I was so used to Rhegan I just couldn't imagine anything different.
While I was pregnant with him...I was sick in the beginning - but not near as much as I was with Rhegan. I was sooo picky with foods. I could SMELL something and just know I couldn't eat it!
With him I liked Clementines. haha. I probably bought 100 cases. Then I found out I had Gestational Diabetes. The day I found out , I just started crying - thinking "oh know....what's going to happen now". It was a challenge to stop eating sweets - count carbs - keep a log of what I ate along with sugar checks - check blood sugar 6 times a day (Rhegan would help and also remind me "mama you gotta check your blood suga?") I only gained 14 pounds with him. His due date was January 24th. I was scheduled to be induced on Jan. 19th. However, went into labor by MYSELF (Which if anyone has ever had both happen - going into labor on your own is soo much easier and it happens so much faster!!) on Jan. 16th. I started having contractions that night. And was up ALL night. We finally went to the hospital (14 degrees - yes I am aware that I had them both in extreme temps! haha) at 6:00 am. He was born at 11:31 (6 lbs 1 1/2 oz. 19 1/2 Inch.) AUSTIN NICHOLAS ALLEN. Labor went soo fast with him. Afterwards I had THE WORST headache ever, that lasted a little over a week. And then it just went away.
And of course he was sick. RSV, Ingrown toenail, Rash, clogged eye duct, craddle cap. wheeww.
And of course he was sick. RSV, Ingrown toenail, Rash, clogged eye duct, craddle cap. wheeww.
He does (and has been) sleeping through the night!! 10:20 - 7 or 8 am!!! And he is spoiled ROTTEN. He is definatly a mama's boy - and LOVES to be held!!!

I can say the most challenging thing about having two children, is splitting my time between the two - and giving them both equal attention. It's so hard b/c he requires so much right now. I sometimes feel like I ignore Rhegan. Which she has had her getting used to sessions. And I want so bad to do their baby things all the same. I soo badly need to finish scrapbooking for Rhegan...and start Austin's. And if it wasn't for my parents, I don't know how I would have gotten through those first few weeks. They were great...and kept Rhegan for a week (while we were in the hospital - and a few days after we got home to get situated) And when Austin had RSV - they kept her for about a week. It's been the best thing in the world, and I'm soo blessed to have a healthy girl (that looks JUST like her daddy) and healthy boy (that we think is looking like my side of the family)!!!

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